This has been an incredibly tough week, and even though I have gone through all the right motions (working out, eating right, going to church twice, sleeping 8+ hours a night, taking my vitamins, working diligently at work, spending time with the hubby, catching up with friends on the phone and in person, rather than FACEBOOK, and much much more) I honestly feel blah, down, and completely emotionloss. My hope, joy, and faith are still in the Lord, and my prayer life has been packed full of praise and worship music, lots of in-depth bible study, but you know whats missing?
The want and desire to open up and just TALK to God.
I find time to talk on the phone, have great conversations at work, and even talk in-depth with my hubby. I don't have trouble praising the Lord, thanking Him for what he is doing in my life, and even listening for his voice and guideance. Yet, when it comes to really getting deep down, and talking to Him I just can't. And I am not sure why my mouth is mute, and my heart grows tired, but my prayer is that this communication issue I am having, that I will get over FAST.........bc me not talking to the Lord is truly going to dry up my bones fast. And even though this week has been tiring and overwhelming with some of the stuff the Davis Family is facing, we remain faithful until the Spirit of the Lord washes over us and reminds us that our true peace, happiness, and hope are in JESUS!!
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