Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Happy Valentine's Day

Red Roses, Candy, Dinner, and Spending Time with our loved ones is truly the backbone of Valentine's Day; yet, in our home I can honestly say we work hard to make sure these things exist here everyday...............well maybe not the roses....Lil Man will eat them.

This weekend has been very nice and relaxing. I took a few hours off from work yesterday, and headed home to prepare for our house guests and get ready for our 5 p.m. dinner reservations. The hubby and I ate dinner, which was AMAZING at Amerigo's!! We ate like a King and Queen.....from Appetizers to Desserts. My bro-in-law and his gal arrived after we returned home, and it was very nice to spend time with our family. Just hanging out and talking. The night ended with multiple rounds of Mario Kart and Wii Fit Challenges, and I believe we all slept like rocks after our big meals and Wii Workouts.

Today, after the hubby headed to work, I spent some much needed time with my family...this including shopping, lunch, lots of laughing, and just talking. As they departed, I was sad to see them go. Sometimes you just need a touch from home to make you loved completely.

Tonight is going to be a really relaxing night. Movies, napping, and even a little bible study. Spending some much needed time with the love of my soul....Jesus. I hope each of you had a wonderful V-Day, and may your home be filled with lots of love every day.

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