Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

Dear Burger King

Let the Holidays Begin!!!!

Last week the Davis Family Kicked Off the Holiday Season by setting up for Fantasy of Trees, Community Volunteering, Thanksgiving Dinners, 4 A.M. shopping on Black Friday, and lots of Christmas Music played NONSTOP. We have not slowed down since. At work my week has consisted of making and ordering our Staff Christmas Cards, Decorating the Christmas Float, and making the Office look very Festive. Hard Work I Know....... Ha (I have also worked on grants, public relations & advertising strategies for 2009, and teamed up with Radio Partners to begin working on contests and promotions for next years 90th Fair....but I like to talk about the FUN STUFF!!!)

My Birthday is right around the corner, and I am looking forward to the fun and busy weekend!

Now to the theme of my post.............

This afternoon on the radio a commercial came on claiming that EVERYONE in America had eaten a WHOPPER, and they were going throughout the WORLD finding people who had never eaten one. I asked my office mates (all 4 of us) if they had a WHOPPER, and can you believe two of us had NOT. Chris and I decided to write a letter (and we've already mailed it) to BURGER KING explaining that we may be the ONLY two AMERICANS who had never eaten a WHOPPER.

Our hopes are that we get put on a NATIONAL COMMERCIAL with all the tribe folks from Africa and Asia about OUR thoughts on the WHOPPER!! To-Be-CONTINUED.................

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