Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.


This year has been a blessing, but I am ready to see it go. Nothing much happened, and turning the big 29 did not make it anymore exciting. In 2007, I moved to a new city, got married, found a great job, and traveled lots. 2008............not so much. We did take two vacations, but all in all it will be year I probably will not remember much.

I do have to say the Lord has blessed us with a good health, protected our dear families and friends, and allowed to keep our jobs. The Lord has also used this year as a RESTING year. I have been able to stop and enjoy spending time at home, and I have found days where I have had NOTHING to do. These are probably the reasons I say its been an "alright" year, bc nothing BIG and exciting happened, but I did enjoy 2008.

As for 2009 - Lets Get Through TONIGHT, and then we will talk tomorrow. I've already began most of my Resolutions...............

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