Striving to Live a Life of Adventure, Excellence, and Faith.

They say beauty is only skin deep, but in reality , what's on the outside counts as much as what's on the inside. That is why I have decided to embark on an entire body and soul makeover. I turn 30 in approximately, 21 months, and I believe that is plenty of time to really get the look, feel, and spiritual insight I need to live GREAT in my 30s. Plus, it will help me as we plan to prepare for our family.

My plan is simple. I'm breaking it down into 5 categories and focusing on them each day.

1. Body (Kick Butt Workouts at least 5 times a week AND change my high fat diet to organic and portion control.)

2. Spiritual (Daily devotions to increase my knowledge of the Bible (yes, I'm a Christian) and learn how to apply my biblical knowledge into my life and being. I also want to join a church in Knoxville, and get involved with ministry again.

3. Develop deeper friendships with my gal pals. I am blessed with some amazing friends; however, I truly feel like I am missing out on some great friendships.

4. Style and Fashion - As I transform my body, I know my figure will begin to look great in some high fashion clothes, and with the help of Victoria Beckham's style book I should be on my way to looking great at 30.

5. Travel. Travel. Travel. My next stops I want to include South America, Australia, Sweeden, and Africa.

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